Promotion Documentation
Fill out the promotion builder, and only submit one basecamp task per brand at a time.

General Courtesies:

• Please attempt to give atleast a two week lead time to create promotions. We understand that things happen, but it gives us time to trouble shoot things as they come up.

• Pick a testing date a week out before the start date (assuming above). We will open/closeout testing on that date.

• For promotions involving a discount on a certain item/yarn line/category, please include the applicable item codes from Category Management in CagDev.

• Have a promotion that doesn't seem to fit in any of the predefined categories? Let Rosie know as soon as possible!

• If you are submitting a category code, please double check its contents in Category Management. No one knows the product lines better than you!
Discount applied to all non-digital items by the set a percentage or dollar amount.

• You can set a threshold minimum.
Apply a 100% discount on 1 item that the user selects, usually from a category page.

• You can set a threshold minimum.
• You can specifiy categories that contain eligible free items, or items can be listed separately when creating the promo code.
• You can specify items/skus to exclude if applicable.
• You can restrict to users on a Klaviyo list or segment.
Apply a discount to any cart items that are in the included categories.

• You can set a threshold minimum.
• You can exclude certain skus from a category.
• You can exclude sub categories.
• You can specify a cart limit by volume of discount items, or by individual sku.
• You can restrict to users on a Klaviyo list or segment.
Automatically adds free item(s) to a cart if the threshold or condition is met.

• You can set a threshold minimum.
• You can set a minimum quantity of a category or item to be purchased.
• You can only give away one sku, but you can change the quantity given.
• You can restrict to users on a Klaviyo list or segment.
There are two kinds of shipping promos:

Free Shipping

• You can set a threshold minimum.
• You can restrict to certain conuntries.
• You can restrict to users on a Klaviyo list or segment.

Two Day Shipping:

• You can set a threshold minimum.
• The locations that can receive free two day shipping are predetermined.
• You can restrict to users on a Klaviyo list or segment.
The mix and match option, if a user has X of an item or category in their cart, they get Y discount across the designated items/categories.

E.g. If all included categories are Brava yarn lines, a user can mix and match any yarn from those lines.

• You can set a threshold quantity minimum.
• You can set a cart maximum.
• You can use this to give a certain quantity for free, or just set a blanket percentage off.
• You can restrict to users on a Klaviyo list or segment.
A user has to buy X of the item in order to be eligible for the discount. You can list multiple items, but can't mix and match between them.

E.g. Stash And Save is doing a 40% off on deadstock for a specific fabric and thread.
The cart contains both eligible items, 2 portions of fabric and 1 spool of thread.
Only the the fabric is eligible for the discount.

• You can set a threshold quantity minimum.
• You can use this to give a certain quantity for free, or just set a blanket percentage off.
• You can restrict to users on a Klaviyo list or segment.
A user has to buy X of items from a category in order to be eligible for the discount. You can list multiple categories, but cannot mix and match between categories.

E.g. BOGO on Brava and Tweed. Cart has 3 mix and match Brava, 3 mix and match Tweed.
The discount would apply to 2 Brava and 2 Tweed because it's non-cumulative.

• You can set a threshold quantity minimum.
• You can use this to give a certain quantity for free, or just set a blanket percentage off.
• You can restrict to users on a Klaviyo list or segment.
A user has to buy X of items from a category in order to get recieve discount on Category B.

E.g. Buy 5 mix and match Brava, get 5 mix and match Tweed for free, etc.

• You can set a threshold quantity minimum.
• You can use this to give a certain quantity for free, or just set a blanket percentage off.
• You can restrict to users on a Klaviyo list or segment.
A set discount applies to the most expensive item in the cart.

• Won't apply to digital items.
• You can restrict to users on a Klaviyo list or segment.
Spend more, save more incrementally.

E.g. Spend $50, get 10% off. Spend $100, get 20% off. Spend $150, get 30% off.

• You can restrict to users on a Klaviyo list or segment.